

June 25th, 2007

In our projects we use Bjam (v2) as our build system. We just updated from Boost from version 1.33 to 1.34, and for this to work we had to tweak some jamfiles.

It took some time to find out why the following error occured:

warning: advanced/configuration.html C:/.../trunk/thirdp/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build\feature.jam:704: in expand-composites from module feature error: explicitly-specified values of non-free feature conflict error: existing values: off on error: value from expanding on : on

The reason seems to be a mix of using the UTF (Unit Test Framework) and usage-requirements in the jamfile. When there are usage-requirements in the jamfile that reference libraries (e.g. <library>/yourlibhere) it triggers this error. An easy solution is to remove the requirements. If that’s the route you take, then unfortunately you have to propagate the requirements to other jamfiles manually.

If anyone has a solution to using both the usage-requirements and the Unit Test Framework leave us a message.

Calendar 2

June 15th, 2007

Ever got this one?

The calendar bit below gives you this: it access a piece of javascript on the Calendarhub server, but FireFox does not allow it – sadly (On IE7 the CH code is fine).

document.write("\n<script type='text/javascript'>");
document.write("try {'UniversalBrowserRead');} catch (e) {alert('Permission UniversalBrowserRead denied.');}");

Apparently, mozillaZine tells me I need to edit my own ‘user.js’ and there I need something like:

user_pref("capability.policy.XMLHttpRequestToAnySite.sites", "http://
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "XMLHttpRequestToAnySite");

(This defines a policy with ‘allAccess’ to do xmlrpc requests – thanks Charlie)

Why? O Why O Why. And dont tell me this is security … With json and the script tag you can go cross-domain – advertisers do this all the time (how do you think banners show up :).

And Why all of a sudden? My former FireFox installation did just fine …

And secondly, I do hope the people at Calendarhub fix the localhost bit below:

document.write("<input id='calendarhub_user' name='user[login]' type='text' />");
document.write("<input id='calendarhub_password' name='user[password]' type='text' />");
document.write("<input type='button' onclick=\"ajax.update('http://localhost:3000/user/login?user[login]='+$('calendarhub_user').value+'&user[password]='+$('calendarhub_password').value, 'calendarhub_events')\" value='login' />");

I dont get it – why would I wanna do that? I think it’s a (w)oops from CH.


June 7th, 2007

Today I needed an online calendar, well, to keep track of interesting events, or maybe even so you can see where we will be in case you wanna meet us (and not the least that I can find where the #$% i’m supposed to be, pfew).

For the moment its:

<!- Start of CalendarHub events ->

Powered by CalendarHub

<!- End of CalendarHub events->

It would be nice though, if there was a place where you entered a couple of tags/keywords/your thing, and your calendar fills with just the good things.

I found a (somewhat old) list on techcrunch and off-course there is google (but google already knows enough of me – one more point just there).

Some of these calendars actually have api’s so some mashup from upcoming, meetup, a map (?), friends – etc, would be rather ok … especially if it would learn from (not) attending.
